Ultra AVR Development Kit

This kit is designed to prototype, test and build applications/projects on 28 pin and 40 pin AVR Microcontrollers like atmega8, atmega168, atmega328 etc and 40 pin AVR devices like atmega16, atmega32 etc. The Kit comes with a USB Programmer and host of interfaces! Text and video tutorials, code libraries in the making, to help you build! 

You should get this kit if you want to learn about the AVR architecture, interfacing peripherals and programming without have to solder anything but still learning all about the underlying hardware. The essence of the kit is that no peripherals are directly connected to the MCU  pins, you can connect any peripheral to any port and simply build. 

Kit contains:[Items shipped with Kit] 

1.AVR Development board with All ICs
2.Microcontrollers: Atmega32, Atmega8
3.LCD 16x2
4. Seven Segments 4 numbers
5. RTC battery
6. Buzzer
7. Two Relays
8. Eight DIP Switch
9. Eight 5mm LEDs
10. 4 x 4 Keypad
11. Two Serial Ports
12. Power adapter 12V, 1A
13. Single pin female connectors: 20 
14. Serial Cable
15. USB Cable
16. AVR USB Programmer

Downloads and References

For additonal downloads, video tutorials and much more do visit the product learning page.

We are build this stuff, check back again soon!
We are build this stuff, check back again soon!